Terms and conditions

The TipFunder User Agreement consists of these General Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

Last modified: Juni 2024

Table of contents

  1. Terms and conditions
  2. Contact
  3. Return and Cancellation Policy
  4. Policy for the prevention of chargebacks and fraud
  5. Content monitoring policy
  6. DMCA Policy

Terms and Conditions

Business Definitions

The following definitions apply to the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. 

"User" a user of the Web Site. Fan and/or Creator.

"Fan" a user who can pay donations.

"Creator" a user who can receive donations.

"Content" All content that Users make available, upload or display on the Web Site. In particular, but not exclusively, information, links, messages, text, graphics, photos, videos, audios, documents and other content.

"Website" the website www.tipfunder.com.

1. Introduction

1.1 The General Terms and Conditions govern access to our website, services and their use. This includes all information, links, text, graphics, photos, videos, documents and other content that is uploaded, downloaded or displayed.

1.2 By using the Website, you agree to comply with our Terms and Conditions and confirm that you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

1.3 You must be at least 18 years old to use the Website.

1.4 The parties to this agreement are the User and the Website. A contractual relationship is established between the Fan and the Website, and the Creator and the Website.

1.5 Except for User content, the content of the Website, functions and features (including but not limited to software, text, images and other content) are the property of the Website, the name TipFunder, the logo and all associated names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are protected by international copyright, patent, trademark and other intellectual property and proprietary rights laws.

2. Credit balance and payment process

2.1 Users can send donations via different payment methods.

2.2 The User undertakes to state his country correctly.

2.3 The payment process for credits can be cancelled by the User at any time before sending.

2.4 Depending on the payment method or payment provider, the Fan may be charged a transaction and/or service fee. The service fee will not increase the Fan's credit balance. The amount of the credit balance will remain unaffected by the service fee.

2.5 Payments to the Website are legally binding. The contract between the User and the Website comes into effect with the sending of the payment.

2.6 Donations that are not paid out to the Creator within 36 months expire.

2.7 Donations cannot be refunded.

2.8 If a Fan's payment is cancelled, cannot be collected or otherwise a payment made cannot be completed correctly, access to the Website may be restricted or blocked. The donation will be reduced according to the amount. The Fan is in default of payment. Collection and other fees are to be paid by the Fan. A debt collection agency will be commissioned automatically.

2.9 The User hereby confirms to have been informed that the right of revocation expires after payment has been made. The Website begins with the execution of the service immediately after the payment has been made. This is a non-refundable monetary donation.

2.10 The Fan agrees that a donation is intended to support the Creator. The Creator is under no obligation to provide additional content and the Fan has no claim to additional content. The user has no claim to additional content. This applies in particular if the Creator closes their account.

2.11 The User confirms that they have taken all necessary steps to confirm the authenticity of the Creator to whom they are paying a donation. The Website is not responsible for verifying the authenticity of a Creator.

3. Content and communication

3.1 Users are responsible for and must ensure that content that they upload and make available to view by other users does not violate applicable law in the Netherlands or in the country where they are located. The Website accepts no liability or responsibility for content in uploaded in violation of the law. The liability and responsibility lies with the User.

3.2 The Website provides the Fan with an opportunity to pay a donation. The Fan can add a message to the donation. The message is optional. The Fan does not pay for the message as such.

3.3 The User provides the Website with content. The User grants the website and its partners an unlimited, time-unlimited and royalty-free right of use to all content that the user provides, places, sends and uploads on the Website or makes available to the Website in any other way.

3.4 Users guarantee to only transmit and publish messages and content that do not violate applicable law. Users guarantee not to transmit messages and content to which they do not have the right to send. Users guarantee not to send and publish messages and content involving persons under 18 years of age or persons who have not given their written consent to send and publish messages and content. Users acknowledge that they have the copyright and other proprietary rights to all content they upload and post on the Website.

3.5 Users agree not to submit, communicate and publish content that is offensive, pornographic, racist or hateful. The Website reserves the right to monitor and control content and communication. In case of a violation, the Website reserves the right to delete and/or block the User immediately. Unpaid donations will be forfeited.

3.6 Creators agree not to transmit any content for their profile picture, their profile background, as well as other places publicly visible to other users, which show sexual acts in picture and/or writing.

3.7 Creators agree not to publish content that contains a link or URL to other websites.

3.8 The User agrees not to pass on or publish content from their communications with other users to third parties.

3.9 The User agrees not to transmit links that provide content that violates these general contractual obligations.

3.10 The User agrees not to store, copy, host, use, send, distribute or publish any content that consists of or is connected to spyware, computer viruses, trojans, computer worms or other malicious software.

3.11 The User undertakes to ensure that the data and content provided on the Website is true, accurate, complete, current and not misleading.

3.12 The User undertakes not in any activity that is insulting, deceptive, threatening, fraudulent, harassing, hateful, racist, discriminatory or otherwise harmful to other Users.

3.13 The user agrees that content in any form, e.g. image, audio, video and text, may continue to be displayed when tips are added (e.g. for the tip list), after deletion or expiry. In particular, but not exclusively, if a fan has paid a tip, this may continue to be displayed in their statistics.

3.14 The User agrees that Creators may send one or more thank-you messages to the User, provided that the User has paid a tip to the Creator. The User's email address will not be transmitted to the Creator. The Creator agrees not to violate our rules and guidelines when sending the personal message.

4. Registration and use

4.1 Registration is not permitted for persons under 18 years of age. Users confirm that they are at least 18 years of age and of legal age in their country. It is not permitted to participate in the services of the Website as a minor.

4.2 The User undertakes not to pass on access data to third parties, especially minors, and must treat such data confidentially. The User agrees to be the only person to use the access. In the event of loss or theft of access data to third parties, the Website must be informed immediately. This also applies to all information or content the user receives on the website. The user can be held liable for any damage caused by not keeping the access data confidential.

4.3 Registration with false documents, false payment data, false country, under false name, false identity, not your own photos, very edited photos by apps or image editing or under invalid or false email address can lead to immediate termination of the contract between the Website and the User. The Website reserves the right to terminate the contract and the Website reserves the right to seek the filing of criminal charges.

4.4 By sending a document for identification purposes, such as an ID card, passport, driver's license or other officially recognized documents for legitimation, the Creator assures that the data on the document is completely accurate for the Creator.

4.5 The User is not permitetd to communicate any negligent advice to other Users. Requests to commit criminal offences, applicable law or points which violate these General Terms and Conditions are not permitted.

4.6 The User, especially the Creator, agrees that the contents uploaded by them (e.g. photos, videos, etc.) may be used for advertising purposes of any kind by the Website and its partners for an indefinite period of time, even after logging out and closure of the User's account. The advertising purposes include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

4.7 Users undertake to maintain secrecy with regard to the content of the contract or other correspondence with the Website.

4.8 The User undertakes not to impersonate any other person when communicating with other Users.

4.9 Users agree to indemnify the Website, licensees and successors, for all liabilities, costs, damages and losses, legal fees, penalties and all costs incurred in connection with their actions and content.

4.10 The Creator agrees not to offer and/or conduct any real meetings, services (in particular of a sexual nature) and/or item sales via the Website.

4.11 By registering or payment of a donation, the User gives their consent to the storage of their data.

4.12 Users agree not to download (except where this is the only option offered by the Website) any content they are provided with on the Website and to store it on their computer, cell phone, tablet or similar, and/or publish it and/or provide it to any third party in any other way. In particular, messages from Fans. This also applies to screenshots and any other kind of screen recording.

4.13 Unless expressly permitted, Users may not edit or otherwise modify or alter any content of the Website.

4.14 Users may not sell, rent, license, display in public or exploit in any other way any content of the Website for commercial purposes.

4.15 Users agree not to use the Website to cause damage to the Website or to affect the performance, availability or accessibility of the Website.

4.16 The User agrees not to use the Website in any manner that is unlawful, illegal, harmful, fraudulent or related to the Website.

4.17 The User agrees not to conduct any manual or automated data collection activities on the Website.

4.18 You may not use another User's account, even if that User gives his consent.

4.19 The User agrees not to choose a name for registration that is misleading or could lead to the imitation of another person.

4.20 Account details may be edited and adjusted by the Website. 

4.21 Users acknowledge that the Website cannot be held responsible for the conduct of Users, either on or off the Website. You acknowledge that the Website cannot guarantee that any User information is accurate, true, complete, current and not misleading.

4.22 User content may not include any third party activities and sales, including contests, sweepstakes, raffles, barter and advertising.

4.23 Users may not attempt to modify the source code of the Website or attempt to limit or damage the operation of the Website, server, system, network.

4.24 Users may not attempt to gain access to information that is not intended for them. Users may not attempt to access the accounts of other Users.

4.25 Users must not use the Website for any unauthorized purpose, including but not limited to building a competitive product or service or for other competitive purposes.

4.26 The User agrees to be responsible for all actions performed and content provided by the User.

4.27 The Creator automatically receives a currency that is selected by TipFunder based on their country. The currency can be adjusted by the Creator if no payment is being processed.

4.28 The Creator agrees that information about their ranking (or that of their tip list entries) in comparison to other Creators, the country, the number of tips received and the amounts of tips received may be publicly displayed on the website in connection with profile content such as photos etc. This also applies to group lists in which the Creator participates. Creators agree that paid tips may also be publicly displayed on the website, including the selected name from the tip list, other profile information and photo(s).

5. Deregistration / deletion

5.1 If the account closure process is initiated by a Creator via email, the Creator receives an email which must be confirmed to confirm to close the account. 

5.2 An account can be deactivated and closed, but all related data cannot be immediately deleted. In particular, data that is part of the accounting obligation under Dutch law or that serves the Money Laundering Act cannot be deleted immediately, but only after the legal deadlines have expired.

5.3 Unpaid donations of Creators expire upon deregistration.

5.4 The Website reserves the right to terminate the contractual partnership with the User without stating reasons or to restrict it at its own discretion. Donations that have not yet been paid out will be paid out when the payout limit of €20 has been reached, minus a payout fee if applicable.

5.5 Existing donations will not be paid if the Creator violates any of the terms of this Agreement. In particular, but not exclusively, a payout is not applicable in the following situations:

- the Creator uses a different identity than their own when registering
- the Creator pretends to be another person when communicating
- the Creator publishes copyrighted content on the Website or sends it in messages for which they do not have the rights of use
- the Creator has content that is illegal under this contract
- the Creator violates applicable law
- the Creator does not respond to emails from the website within 30 days
- the Creator offers and/or processes real meetings and/or services, in particular but not exslusively of a sexual nature through the website
- the Creator offers and/or processes any type of sale via the Website

5.7 Users may not take any action to circumvent or attempt to circumvent access restrictions of any kind on the Website.

6. Payouts and donations

6.1 Creators will receive paid donations minus a withdrawal fee. The amount of the withdrawal fee is set by the website and can be changed at any time. The website reserves the right to charge additional service fees at any time.

6.2 The Creator is responsible for any sales tax (VAT) included in the donation. The Creator undertakes to take care of all matters relating to sales tax as their own responsibility. The website is not liable for unpaid sales tax of the Creator. The Website is not liable for tax issues of the Creator. The Website will provide the Creator with an overview of the donations by country upon payment. The website does not give any guarantee about the correctness of the indication of the countries.

6.3 For a payout of donations to a Creator, the user data must match the payee. Payouts to third parties are not possible.

6.4 Manual payouts for donations are only possible if no current payout is being processed. A manual payout can be initiated with a minimum payout amount of 5€ for payouts within the EU with a SEPA account, otherwise the minimum payout amount is €20 (minus a service fee). A payout is currently charged with a service fee of up to 15,- (€, $, £) to the Creator, which is deducted from the Creator's donation to be paid out. The payout fee depends on the country and/or account of the Creator and can be adjusted by the website at any time. Withdrawals to bank (creator) accounts in the USA, UK, Canada, Switzerland and Australia are free of charge for withdrawal amounts of 150,- or over. Withdrawals under 150,- will incur a 4,50 fee.

6.5 For transfers outside the SEPA payment area, the Website chooses the particulars of the transfer at its discretion and the arising bank charges will be shared between the Website and the Creator.

6.6 The Website is not responsible for the bank charges, transfer fees or conversion fees in other currencies, which reduce the Creator's donations and thus the payment. The Creator has to inform themselves about possible fees. The Website is not responsible for any reduction of the donations.

6.7 For payouts of donations in other currencies such as EUR, a current daily exchange rate is selected minus up to 2% of the payout amount. This daily exchange rate may vary at different times, with different currency calculators and banks. The Creator agrees to the exchange rate selected by the website.

6.8 The Creator is responsible for taxation on their donations. The Website does not assume any responsibility and/or liability for the Creator's tax liability.

6.9 Refunds to Fans, or any kind of default of payment, will be deducted from Creator's donations, if necessary. Therefore, the donations will be reduced by the amount of the refunds incurred. In case of successful collection, the received amounts will be added again.

6.10 Donations are not paid out directly to the Creator after payment but are displayed as "pending". Only after a waiting period, which is determined by the website, will the donation be displayed to the Creator as "confirmed". Confirmed donations can be paid out to the creator when the minimum payout amount is reached. The duration until confirmation is determined by the Website.

6.11 Donations paid via group lists are divided by all creators of the group list. The results are rounded down.
If the currency of the group list is different from the currency set by a creator in the group, the amount the creator receives will reduced by a conversion fee. The conversion fee is determined by the Website but will generally be in the region of 2%.

7. Data transfer and communications by email

7.1 The User grants the Website the right to inform the Website about any kind of news about the offer or other offers of the Website or its partners, unless the User objects.

7.2 In case of communication with or acquisition of content by another User, the Website will transmit the data created by the User, such as, username, message and country, to the respective User. The User's personal data (full name, address, e-mail) is not transferred to the other User, unless the user adds it to their personal message.

7.3 If a donation is paid, information about it, also in connection with the public user data (displayed name, not real name (unless this is identical)) and the amount of the donation, can be displayed publicly, such as a ranking or as a post on social media sites such as X (formerly Twitter).

7.4 If an optional username is used by the fan and the fan makes multiple donations using the same email and the same username, this will be shown to the Creator as one related user.

8. Liability of the website

8.1 The Website is not liable for any content, data, communication, files or actions transmitted.

8.2 The Website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the communication, transmission of content, actions, data or files.

8.3 The Website shall not be liable for deleted content, data or files.

8.4 The Website is not liable for the incorrect or false descriptions of any content provided to Fans. The Fan is responsible for deciding whether to add a message to a donation. 

8.5 The Website is not liable if Creator cancels her profile or it is cancelled.

8.6 The Website is not liable for the inaccessibility of the Website or inaccessibility between Fan and Creator.

8.7 The Website is not liable for financial or other damages caused by technical or other defects of the Website. Technical faults must be reported to the Website by e-mail.

8.8 The Website is not responsible for content or absence of content.

8.9 The Website is not liable for external links and their content. The content of linked sites is the sole responsibility of their operators.

8.10 The Website is not liable if the User violates the secrecy of his access data or loses his access data.

8.11 The Website is not liable for fraudulent activities and misrepresentations of the User.

8.12 Certain minimum technical requirements must be met to ensure error-free access to the Website and its contents. The Website assumes no liability if the content or functions of the Website cannot be displayed or used due to a lack of technical requirements.

8.13 The Website cannot guarantee that the Website is compatible with all devices and operating systems. The Website accepts no liability for this.

8.14 Users are responsible for checking whether a creator is genuine or whether it is a so-called catfish account. The Website accepts no liability for this, nor can payments be refunded for this reason.

8.15 The Website cannot check whether the Creator's content is edited, AI modified or otherwise altered and shows the person it claims to be. The Website accepts no liability for this nor can any payments be refunded as a result.

8.16 The Website cannot verify that linked pages in the profile are the actual pages of the Creator. The Website accepts no liability for this nor can payments be refunded for this reason.

8.17 The Website is not liable for errors of any kind, e.g. technical errors, etc., even in the case of self-inflicted errors.

8.18 The website is not liable for errors in currency conversions.

8.19 The Website is not liable for errors in connection with group lists and their distribution.

8.20 The Website is not liable if an admin of the grouplist removes or adds Creators. Creators who use the group list are themselves responsible for checking whether they are part of the respective group.

10. Changes to these conditions

10.1 The Website reserves the right to change or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Verbal side agreements have not been made. Changes to this agreement must be made in writing, this also applies to the change of this written form clause. The Website reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions at any time. All changes will be effective immediately upon posting by the Website and will apply thereafter to all access and use of the Website. You waive your right to be notified of any revision of the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by any such changes.

11. Revocation instruction

11.1 The Website allows you to send and open messages, send a tip or unlock other content immediately after receipt of payment for a credit. Since the sending of messages, the sending of a tip, as well as the opening of messages, the joining of fan areas, the viewing of content etc. are not suitable for return, the otherwise usual right of withdrawal does not apply. If errors occur during the payment process or during access, please contact info@tipfunder.com. Used credit cannot be refunded. If fraudulent or abusive behaviour patterns occur during the ordering process or the transaction is denied, we reserve the right to block the data used for future transactions. We also reserve the right to seek prosecution of cases of fraud or abuse under criminal and/or civil law.

12. Severability clause

Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after the conclusion of the contract, the validity of the contract as a whole shall remain unaffected. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effects come as close as possible to the economic objective which the parties to the contract had pursued with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.

Applicable law and place of jurisdiction is the Netherlands.


You can contact us at any time by email at info@tipfunder.com

If you have any questions about your account or a payment, please make sure you write to us using the email address by which you are registered with TipFunder or by which you paid a tip. For data protection reasons, we are otherwise not allowed to provide precise details or cannot respond specifically to your query.

Return and cancellation policy

  1. No refunds for digital credits for receiving downloads, chats, private messages and tips and other online services and digital content.
    Due to the immediate execution of the service (sending a tip) immediately after the payment has been made, a strict "no refund" policy applies. Customers are responsible for ensuring that their tip is correct.
  2. Reporting errors or problems
    If errors occur during payment processing or when accessing content, we ask customers to report these immediately to the contact email address provided. Our team will endeavor to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
  3. Measures against fraudulent behavior.
    Any fraudulent or abusive behavior, including the disputing of transactions by the issuing bank, will result in immediate disqualification from future purchases/sales. We take fraud very seriously and will actively report all cases to the authorities for prosecution.
  4. Exchange conditions for incorrect content
    TipFunder does not contain any content that could be incorrect. Accordingly, exchange is excluded. The customer is responsible for checking that the tip goes to the correct person.

Policy for the prevention of chargebacks and fraud

1. Purpose

This policy aims to prevent and respond appropriately to fraud in connection with the payment of tipping.

2. Identification of fraud

We continuously monitor transactions and strive to identify suspicious activity that could indicate fraud. This includes unusual purchase patterns, repeated chargebacks or transactions with stolen payment information.

3. Chargeback procedure

In the event of a chargeback initiated by a customer due to alleged fraud, we will investigate the case thoroughly. The customer will be asked to provide evidence to legitimize the purchase. We will carefully review all available information to determine the legitimacy of the chargeback.

4. Fraud prevention

We implement various measures to prevent fraud, including the verification of transactions and the use of secure payment methods. In cases of suspected fraud, we reserve the right to cancel orders, block accounts, withhold payouts or take legal action.

5. Communication

We inform our customers of suspicious activity or chargebacks and ask for their cooperation in resolving the incident. Open and transparent communication is crucial for a smooth solution.

6. Data protection

All information related to fraud and chargebacks will be treated confidentially and used for internal purposes only.

7. Contact

If you have any questions about fraud or chargebacks, you can reach us at the contact email address provided. We are committed to protecting our customers from fraud and ensuring that transactions

Content monitoring policy

We place great importance on the responsible distribution of content. We strive to ensure a safe and secure environment for our users and to ensure compliance with legal requirements. This Content Monitoring Policy outlines our approach to content monitoring and the age verification process for individuals published in content.

Content monitoring:

We employ a robust content monitoring system that uses a combination of automated tools and manual review processes.
Our content monitoring team is responsible for regularly reviewing and categorizing to ensure compliance with our policies and legal requirements.
We prioritize the identification and removal of content that violates our policies or is deemed inappropriate.

Age verification process:

All creators who create a TipFunder profile must go through a strict age verification process before their user account is published.
Content in public spaces will not be published if other people are visible, even if people have been made unrecognizable.
Acceptable forms of age verification may include government-issued identification documents such as passports or driver's licenses.
Creators must ensure that the age verification process complies with applicable legal requirements and standards.

Compliance with legal requirements:

We strictly adhere to all relevant local and national laws and regulations regarding the distribution of content.
We continuously monitor changes in legal requirements and update our policies and procedures accordingly.
We maintain open channels of communication with relevant regulatory authorities to stay informed of updates or changes in the legal environment.

User reports:

We encourage our users to report content that they believe may violate our policies or legal requirements.
We provide a user-friendly reporting system that allows users to report potentially inappropriate or illegal content.
Reports will be promptly reviewed by our content monitoring team and appropriate action will be taken based on the outcome of the review, within a maximum period of 7 days.
We strive to maintain a high standard of integrity and compliance in the distribution of content. Our content monitoring policy and age verification process are designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved while ensuring legal compliance.

DMCA Policy

We are committed to complying with copyright laws and protecting the rights of copyright owners. This DMCA Policy describes the procedures we follow in the event of copyright infringement on the Site. Please read this policy carefully before submitting notifications or counter-notifications.

Copyright Infringement Notification

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed on the Site, you may submit a formal notification to us.

To be valid, your notification must contain the following:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or an authorized agent.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple works are involved, a representative list of such works.
  3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, with information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material.
  4. Sufficient contact information, including your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  5. A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Please send your notifications of copyright infringement to our designated address and/or to the designated contact email address.

Prompt investigation and response

Upon receipt of a valid notice of copyright infringement, we will promptly investigate the alleged infringement and take appropriate action, which may include removing or disabling access to the allegedly infringing material. We will acknowledge receipt of your notification within 7 business days and notify you of our action or request further information as appropriate.

Counter-notification process

If you believe that the material removed or disabled as a result of a copyright infringement notification has been misidentified, or if you have the necessary rights to use the material, you may submit a counter-notification. Your counter-notification must include the following:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature.
  2. An identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled, with sufficient information to allow us to locate the material.
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification.
  4. Sufficient contact information, including your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  5. Consent to the jurisdiction of the courts in your country or, if located in the United States, consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your district.
  6. A statement that you will accept service of process from the party that submitted the original notification of copyright infringement.

Please send your counter-notices to our address and/or to the contact email address provided.

Policy for repeat infringers

We have a policy for dealing with repeat infringers. If a user's account is identified as a repeat infringer, we may take appropriate action, which may include suspending or terminating the user's account.

Protection of user data

All personal data collected as part of the copyright infringement notification and counter-notification process will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy and will only be disclosed as permitted by law.


We are not responsible for actively monitoring or searching for infringing content on our website. However, if we receive valid notifications of copyright infringement, we will take appropriate action to remove the reported infringements. Please note that submitting false reports of copyright infringement or counter-notifications may result in legal action.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this DMCA Policy, please contact us at the contact email address provided.